Six Beauty Boss Tips

Avon business starter kit

Six Beauty Boss Tips

Six Beauty Boss Tips

1. Show up:

If you have ever worked a job of any kind you know that you have to be to work on time and plan your personal schedule around that job.  Having an Avon business is no different. I realize that the reason you started Avon is to get away from working a job and punching a time clock, but if you don’t show up to your Avon business eventually it won’t be a priority and all of the things will take a priority over it. Treat it like a job.  Show up everyday ready to work.  Plan your days off.

2. Do the work:

Nothing is going to happen if you don’t take action. You will never see results if you don’t take the time to make things happen.  I have a notebook that I keep on me at ALL times.  Anytime something comes to my mind that I need to do or want to try for my business I write it down and then add it into my schedule for the week.  In the AM or the night before, I like to sit quietly and write down a plan-to-action.  What I plan to do for the day; including my family priorities like scheduling appointments, paying bills, etc.  I plan when I am going to take catalogs to town, make follow up calls, deliver products, schedule posts, and more.

3. Don’t get Distracted:

It is so easy to get distracted with daily routines; kids, responsibilities, texts and  social media.  The biggest culprit can be Facebook.   Utilizing Facebook as part of your business is an important part to growing your business; however, if you are not careful, it will distract you.  It use to be that when I would get up in the morning the first thing I would do is grab a cup of coffee, turn on the computer and plan to post on my facebook page and group.  Unfortunately, before I knew it an hour had gone by and I accomplished nothing because I got busy liking everyones posts.  My day was over before it even started and I didn’t accomplish what I planned.  I no longer do that.  I now do schedule my posts with Avon’s social media platform days in advance and only get on facebook when I am done with my other tasks for the day.

4. Outsource:

Avoid burnout and becoming overwhelmed with everything there is to do.  Ask for help.  Get your family onboard to help you.  Kids are great for putting stickers on catalogs or stamping the back of the catalogs.  Your husband can help with delivering catalogs, or help with the household jobs.  If you get overwhelmed with too much on your plate you will give up.

5. Take risks:

There is always an element of uncertainty in any business.  There is no perfect formula that will make money.  You can’t be afraid to try new things or afraid to spend money to make money.  There may be a few setbacks along the way, but this is not a sign of failure but of opportunity to try something new.  I have tried a variety of things that did not work and things that did.  I paid for advertising that I lost money on; invested in products, catalogs, samples, bazaars, a tent for Wednesday markets and more. What are you willing to do?

6. Just do it:

If you have been considering selling Avon and been dreaming about taking the plunge; take it from a beauty boss – Just do it!!  Work on your own terms, set your own schedule, take your own risks.  Have fun with your business while making money.  Build confidence, feel empowered and dive in.  If you are already a Beauty Boss – Try something new, invest more time, more money, take risks.

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How to sign up to Sell Avon

Signing up to sell Avon is easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter reference code: mbrown316
  3. You will get your own Avon Representative account and can get started right away.  No need to wait for your kit.
  4. Once you are signed up you can reach out to me for help at any time and I will help you get started
  5. In about 3 – 5 business days you will receive your Avon starter kit in the mail.

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About Author

Monica Brown has been an Ind. Avon Representative since 2014 with experience in face-to-face, online sales and fundraisers. Silver Ambassador, President's Club, Honor Society and Spirit of Avon Award Recipient. Helping those who join her team that want to learn how to sell and earn with Avon.

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