Scheduling Success for a home-based business

Scheduling Success for a home-based business

Scheduling Success for a home-based business

Running a home-based business can be challenging and scheduling Success for a homebased business is priority in having success; whether it’s Avon or any other business for that matter.

Scheduling in the past was not on my to do list because I just felt it was one more thing I had to do and didn’t have time for, but I was so wrong.

Scheduling Success for a homebased business has now become a priority and has made a difference in my family, my stress level (which is now less) and an increase in my earnings and of building my team.

As a wife of 30 years; stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of two teenagers and grandmother of 9 grandchildren; my time is valuable.  So much to do requires planning.

Before I scheduled I was spending way too much time on facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.  These things are fine in moderation, but they can saturate your time and actually cause stress because you lose time you could be and should be spending on scheduling success for a homebased business and planning your daily activities for your family.

I keep a large calendar that I write everything in.  Starting with my household schedule first.  This is first because my family was here before I started Avon and they are my priority.


Scheduling Success for a home-based business

Schedule for my home

  • Day to pay bills
  • cleaning schedule – I give my girls a chore chart so I don’t end up doing all of the cleaning.
  • weekly menu
  • which day to go shopping
  • homeschool plan
  • kids scheduled activities
  • grocery day
  • church events
  • date night –  This is important to schedule.  30 years of marriage shows it is important.
  • time with friends
  • family events
  • let’s not forget the holiday season and scheduling a plan for that

Work Schedule -Yes, I actually have a part-time job that requires scheduling one to two days a week.

  • Stores I need to visit
  • work that needs to be done and how long it is to take.

Then I schedule my Avon business.

  • Customers I need to call
  • Leads I need to contact
  • Team members I need to contact
  • webinars I need to attend and schedule
  • ZOOM calls
  • The day my Avon order goes in
  • The day my order will arrive
  • scheduled day for deliveries which includes contacting customers
  • days to drop catalogs off around town
  • bazaars, markets and other events
  • home parties
  • Days I am going to blog and what I am going to blog about.

So that is a lot of planning.  Scheduling Success for a home-based business has helped me grow my business.  I have grown my customer base and my team.

In addition to scheduling on my calendar; I write down my mileage.  I now take my scheduling calendar with me everywhere.

When I have some free time; which it would seem I wouldn’t have any, I brainstorm ideas in a notebook and add those ideas to my calendar.

I hope you have found this information helpful and can implement scheduling Success for a home-based business into your daily routine. Be sure to subscribe for tips that I will post around my own busy lifestyle.

May you have sucess in everything you do.

If you would like to sign up to sell Avon and join my team (Ignite Beauty Marketers):

  1. Go to
  2. Enter reference code: mbrown316
  3. You will get your own Avon Representative account and can get started right away.  No need to wait for your kit.
  4. Once you are signed up you can reach out to me for help at any time and I will help you get started.
  5. In about 3 – 5 business days you will receive your Avon starter kit in the mail.

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About Author

Monica Brown has been an Ind. Avon Representative since 2014 with experience in face-to-face, online sales and fundraisers. Silver Ambassador, President's Club, Honor Society and Spirit of Avon Award Recipient. Helping those who join her team that want to learn how to sell and earn with Avon.

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