Hard Truth about Selling Avon

Hard Truth about Selling Avon

Real Hard Truth About Selling Avon

If you stumbled upon this post; you are either considering selling Avon and want to know what it takes to sell Avon or you just started selling Avon and are struggling a bit right now and really are wondering what you got yourself into.

I have been an Ind. Avon Rep. for four years now and I know many successful Avon reps that have been selling Avon much longer than I have that would tell you that Avon is not a get rich quick business.  Just as I have done; they have worked hard to get where they are and most certainly deserve all the credit for it.  Some may have achieved their success sooner than others, but that is all determined by how much time and effort they put into it.

Any direct marketing business takes time, patience and hard work and if you are not ready to work; you are not ready to start an Avon business or any other business.

The Real Hard Truth About Selling Avon is that it isn’t always as easy as some blogs may make it seem.  Reality is that Avon is a business just like any other business that takes time to build up and grow.

Is Starting an Avon Business right for you?

People start direct marketing businesses for a number of reasons.  It important to determine if working at home is right for you.  What is your why? Don’t just jump in without determining whether or not it is a right fit for you.

Read Working from Home – Is it the right fit for you. 

Selling Avon is NOT always easy.

Just like life; you are going to have good days and bad days. You are also going to get out of it what you put into it.  Certainly you don’t expect a good marriage without effort or that your children are just going to turn out to be amazing adults without putting time into helping them grow into those amazing adults.  There isn’t anything achieved in this life that doesn’t aken time and effort. So, why would you expect your business to grow without the effort?

Challenges along the way

We all have different challenges.  Your challenges may be different than mine.  I only know that you have to face the challenges that are before you and make it work.

There are reps who are successfully running their business from home because they are homebound; whether it be physical issues or because they don’t have a vehicle.  They have faced these challenges head on and have succeeded.  What challenges will you or do you face with your business?

My Challenge

My biggest challenge is time.  Time for working my Avon business. Time for delivering catalogs, orders, making baskets, blogging, social media, etc.

I have a busy life with still having two teenage girls at home that I homeschool and have music lessons etc; a part-time retail merchandising job a hubby (we know they require our time and attention), and a home to take care of along with 9 grandchildren, two adult daughters, church and friends that I want to make time for.

Making time to deliver catalogs and orders has been a challenge.  My biggest challenge has been getting on the computer to do anything Avon related.  Not only do I have to deal with my teenage daughters needing it for school but also with my husband who doesn’t like it when he is home and I am on the computer.  It use to cause a lot of conflict in our marriage; so I had to figure out another way.

My brain works the best when I am finally done with everything and I can just chill on the couch and get busy on the laptop.  I don’t like watching television, so that would be the best time for me to do any work on the computer, but to keep the peace I choose to get up early a couple of days out of the week to do any blogging, social media, etc.  I don’t really like doing it that way, but have found that my evening is freed up to spend time with my family and that is the way it should be.

Scheduling is what I really have to do to stay on top of it all; otherwise my life is a hot-mess.

Spinning my wheels:

There were those days within my first 2 years that I wanted to give up on my business. I felt like I was just spinning my wheels and not getting very far.  I felt like I was spending more than I was making and I was.  There were campaigns where I had no orders. Events that cost money to get into without the results I wanted. Lots of catalogs dropped off at business, put into hands of people with no response.  Gift baskets I made I was sure would sell and didn’t.   Yes, many campaigns were a challenge.

Worth It All

Then there are those days when I check my Avon back office at youravon.com and see that I received online orders or check my e-mail and I have people wanting me to place an order or someone wants to join my team.  Days I get a call from someone who said they picked up a catalog months ago or I receive a message for a gift basket. Events that were successful.  Driving and I received a call on my speaker phone from someone behind me who saw my decal on my back window and places an order.  Making President’s club my first, second and third year.  Becoming a bronze Ambassador and then Silver Ambassador.  Receiving achievement awards.  Building friendships with other Avon reps and those who join my team.

Best of all is when my customers tell me I am the best Avon Rep they ever had, give me a gift or a tip for dropping off their order.

Set goals

Without goals your business will die!!  Set your goals each campaign starting with the kickstart program and meeting your goals for your first 7 campaigns.   If you can’t; at least set your goal to place an order of at least $150 each campaign.  Always remembering to order catalogs and samples each and every time which will give you the push you need to get out there and give them to people you meet.

Summing up the truth about selling Avon

So, the real hard truth about selling Avon summarized is this:  It takes time to grow your Avon business.  You can’t get something for nothing.  If you want it, go get it. Take advantage of every opportunity to grow your business.  Learn from others. Spend money to make money. Don’t ever feel like you have failed.  Just because it didn’t work doesn’t mean something else won’t work.  Keep trying new ideas.  Never give up. If you give up you will never know what could have been.

I truly hope you are successful at whatever you choose to do in  life – Monica Brown

How to sign up to Sell Avon

Signing up to sell Avon is easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to www.startavon.com
  2. Enter reference code: mbrown316
  3. You will get your own Avon Representative account and can get started right away.  No need to wait for your kit.
  4. Once you are signed up you can reach out to me for help at any time and I will help you get started
  5. In about 3 – 5 business days you will receive your Avon starter kit in the mail.

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About Author

Monica Brown has been an Ind. Avon Representative since 2014 with experience in face-to-face, online sales and fundraisers. Silver Ambassador, President's Club, Honor Society and Spirit of Avon Award Recipient. Helping those who join her team that want to learn how to sell and earn with Avon.

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