Working at Home

working at home

 Working at Home

working at home

Is working at home right for you? If you searched this particular subject; you are on the road to determining if working at home is a right fit for you.  There are many things to factor before making such a major life decision.

  • Can you get along without a regular paycheck until you establish your business? Unless of course you will be keeping your job.
  • Planning to keep your job? Will you make the time to work your direct marketing business?
  • If you have family at home; what time will they take up in your day?
  • Do you plan to quit your job, will you miss chatting with co-workers or are you simply ready to cut that part out of your life?
  • Can you give up your medical insurance? Will the stay-at-home job provide insurance? Avon provides medical insurance along with other benefits. 
  • How much time do you have available to spend on your new business venture?
  • Are you distracted easily?
  • Organized?
  • Will you be dedicated to your business?
  • Are you realistic to the fact that SUCCESS does not happen overnight?
  • Just looking for a quick fix to your financial situation?

My own experience: 

I am a stay-at-home homeschooling mom who has been homeschooling for more than 17 years now.  My husband and I of 30 years have two older girls who have graduated and we still have two teenagers at home I am trying to get through 5 more years of school.

Honestly I can say that I became quite burnt out on homeschooling and was very much ready to do something from home. Something I would enjoy doing that would still allow for me to do homeschooling, but fulfill my ADULT ambition to be successful.

I had done other things in the past that didn’t work, but I was now ready to try again, but this time I took the time to consider what it was I wanted out of a business;  Did I like the products, were they affordable, could I sell them easily, was their website user friendly, were there quotas I would have to meet, etc.  More on that below.

After thinking about whate I wanted and days of doing some research online to determine the right fit; I chose Avon.  It had everything I was looking for and if I had to do it all over again; I would still choose Avon.

Jumping in with both feet; I fell in love with my business.  Working it everyday.  I was on the computer for hours researching, learning, planning my business.  I even kept a notebook by the side of my bed for ideas that kept popping into my head, which kept me up at night.

I was excited, enthusiastic and ready to conquer any giants that would get in my way with ONE HUGE PROBLEM!!  I didn’t plan the rest of the MOST important things in my life; which was my family.  I became neglectful.  My burn out homeschooling turned into NO DESIRE to do it at ALL!!  My priorities WERE NOT where they should have been.  No longer did I bake or plan meals, spend quality time with my kids, grandkids or husband.

I wanted to make my business successful and I was going to do whatever I had to to make it work.  It was a few months of this before my husband (who was being supportive) gave me a reality check and made me aware of the fact that I was spending too much time on my business.

Since that time I have prioritized my life, planned a schedule based on putting my family first.  I have to get up extra early in the morning before my kids get up for school to accomplish much of my work for the day.  I plan game nights and make sure to bake like I use to.

It is great to be ambitious and want success, but not at the cost of family.

Pros and Cons of a Homebased business

You can work in whatever frumpy clothes you want You allow yourself to become that frumpy person who wears their pj pants to the store.  Eeks, don’t do that.
You can set your own hours which will give you the freedom. If you don’t schedule your free time carefully and diligently your business will take over your free time or your free time will cut into your business.  Schedule, schedule, schedule.
If you have children and are the primary caregiver; staying at home with them and working your business is ideal. You may find it difficult to fit your work in with taking care of your children.  You will need to schedule your day around their schedule and needs.
You are paid for the work you put into your business. You may not receive a steady paycheck.
If you have children; you are setting a good example and showing them what it means to have a business. Your children may see you stressed and overwhelmed.  (don’t let this happen).
You get a tax right off at the end of the year on fuel, office expenses etc. The paperwork may be overwhelming.
YOU ARE YOUR OWN BOSS!! I have no con for that.  Other than you can’t call in sick, but that’s the point of being your own boss – right??
What can you add to this list?  Feel free to comment below.

What business is a good fit for you?

I certainly did not write this blog post to get you to sell Avon.  I only want what is the best fit for you.  I certainly wouldn’t want you selling Avon if you are not motivated. I can’t tell you what is a good fit for you.  I can only tell you what I did to find what has worked for me.

I had always wanted to do something from my home because I had a family and didn’t want to work outside of the home if I could help it.

I tried crafting; I was doing bazaars to make extra cash.  I found that it really was NOT financially viable for me.

I tried babysitting in my home while my oldest girls were still at home.  After a year I realized it was not for me.  I was burnt out taking care of children all day and really preferred to focus on my own.

I did medical transcription for a time.  I sat at a computer for HOURS typing.  I loved it at first, but it did not pay as well as they try to make it seem and I hated sitting for hours on end.  Also, an impossible job to do when you have small children at home.

I also ran a bed and breakfast with my husband at a fishing lodge we owned for a few years (not by choice – long story).  Loved meeting new people, but it took away our summers as a family and we had no privacy.  We ended up selling the lodge and building the home we are currently in.

Somewhere in between all of that I got talked into selling Melaleuca and Plexus. Both of which ended up not being a right fit for me due to a number of reasons I won’t bore you with.

So you can see that I have always had a desire to find something I would love doing.

When I decided to try again I looked at EVERY direct marketing business out there.  When I say “everything”  I mean “everything.”

I looked at the product, the cost (could people afford it), the value, was it something I could easily approach strangers with, would I be comfortable sharing it with friends and family without feeling like I was pressuring them into buying things they didn’t want or need, did I love the product, would I use it; last and not least, what did it pay?

I ended up breaking it all down and concluding that Avon was the right fit for me and I am glad I did.  I actually wish I had started sooner; before the crafting and the babysitting.

I certainly don’t know what will fit you and your personality.  I can tell you that whatever you choose to do; do it with the mindset of sticking with it and not giving up; unless it is absolutely not working (like Melaleuca didn’t work for me).  It may work for you – but it didn’t fit me.  Find what is a good fit.

How to sign up to Sell Avon

Signing up to sell Avon is easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter reference code: mbrown316
  3. You will get your own Avon Representative account and can get started right away.  No need to wait for your kit.
  4. Once you are signed up you can reach out to me for help at any time and I will help you get started
  5. In about 3 – 5 business days you will receive your Avon starter kit in the mail.

About Author

Monica Brown has been an Ind. Avon Representative since 2014 with experience in face-to-face, online sales and fundraisers. Silver Ambassador, President's Club, Honor Society and Spirit of Avon Award Recipient. Helping those who join her team that want to learn how to sell and earn with Avon.

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